Dress Code


Beckford has a Student Dress Code.  All students are required to wear dress code for safety reasons.

  • Closed toed shoes are the only shoes appropriate for all children
  •  Neat clothing that children can wear comfortably is appropriate.  Let children know that it is okay to get a little dirty during play time.  Accidents will happen, spills during lunch are common, and sliding into first base can cause dirt.  We want children to be careful yet comfortable.
  • Hairstyles should be appropriate for school.  We ask that students not be permitted to put colored dye or jells into their hair.  We have one or two crazy hair days and Halloween as times to allow children to have fun hair.
  • Baggy pants and baggy shorts may not be worn.
  • Very short shorts/skirts may not be worn.
  • Long skirts are a safety hazard and may not be worn.
  • Spaghetti strap tops and "muscle" tee-shirts are not appropriate.
  • Dangling earrings and excessive jewelry can be dangerous and bothersome to children.
  • Sandals, slip-ons, shoes with wheels, and untied shoes are a hazard and not permitted.